Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Dinner at our House: Kid Logic

Lori does this thing on her blog called "Around the Dinner Table". I've swiped borrowed the idea from her before, and I'm going to do so again.

Dinnertime is probably our best time together as a family. With sports and after school programs and work and homework and, well, life, we don't get to sit down and talk as a family much during the day. Dinner is really the best time for us to interact as a family. It's also the best time for us to get a little out of control with each other. Like Lori and her family, our conversations often veer off into crazy places.

The other night we were at the table and somehow Daphne came up. I can't remember exactly how, but one of the kids mentioned her. For those of you who don't know, Daphne recently moved to Australia. This has been a sore point for me because while I love her and want her to be happy, I selfishly want her to be happy somewhere much closer to me.

Anyway, the following conversation ensued:

Me: Daphne went bye bye - said with a sad face
LM: What? She's not on Earth anymore?
Me: She's on the other side of it
MM: Her toilet flushes to the right now
TG: I'm sure ours could if we wanted it to
MM and I share a look
MM: It doesn't work that way TG - he starts to explain why it wouldn't work when LM pipes up..
LM: She reads from right to left now
Me: What?
MM: What?
TG: Oh, that makes sense

The Girl doesn't understand the concept of the toilet flushing the other way, but it makes sense that Daphne now reads from right to left? MM and I could only laugh.

A few days later we were talking about TG being responsible for us when we get old. We were saying she needs to get good grades now so she can get into a good college and eventually get a good job. This is important since she'll be taking care of us in our old age. Naturally from there MM took it to the next level and started talking about her changing his diapers.

TG: Heck no I'm not. That's what retirement homes are for.
MM: I'm not going into a retirement home! People die in there!
LM: Duh. That's why they're called retirement homes..you retire from life.

Well...he does kind of have a point.


Christine said...

LOL! LM's got a point there....

Casee said...

LM: Duh. That's why they're called retirement homes..you retire from life.

I love LM.

Lori said...

Yup - have to go with the crows on this one.

Kate Diamond said...

Nicely done, LM! That's actually mentioned in one of my favorite student essays of all time.

The student writer in question mentioned wanting to live in a retirement home someday, so all her friends will be near her and she can eat lots of cake (no more watching her weight because if she's in a home, it means she'll die soon...)

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